Friday, July 25, 2014

Wasted on Waiting

Often times when I am teaching a yoga class and I have the students rest after a vigorous exertion, I ask them not to waste energy waiting to relax. I have them authorize their rest and then notice any amount they are waiting to do the next thing so they can fully surrender NOW. Then I see the whole room melt into the wood floors.

In my own life, I like to think of myself as generally mindful. I tend to do the practices I teach to in my real life and on the mat. Except when I don't... We are all works in progress/process.

A few weeks ago I went to a concert with friends. I was unfamiliar with the band. We got there around 9 and being early (relative to show times, not bed times ;-) ) I assumed the band playing was the opening act. Fast forward over an hour and I comment in my head about how long this opening act is jamming for. Then it occurs to me, DUH, this is the main act!!!!

I wasted my energy waiting for the real thing when all along it WAS the real thing. So I learned that whether its waiting to relax, waiting to enjoy or waiting to be happy, WHY WAIT? What a waste of time and energy. I am grateful for this moment.

I learned something profound from the experience and I hope you can see how this applies to your own life, too.

Much love,


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