Monday, February 4, 2013

Making healthy accessible, easily!

Sometimes eating healthy can feel daunting. It feels like there's not enough hours in the day or that healthy food isn't readily available. Its easier to grab a packaged, processed snack than to enjoy fruits or veggies. But alas, see how small preparations can set you up for success.

Make a trip to the grocery store and grab a wide variety of produce. Try new things or sale items. I recommend cucumbers, bell peppers, green beans, strawberries, blueberries And blackberries - but substitute for any yummy fresh goodies! If single serving fruits or vegetables are too expensive for your budget, buy whole fruits are vegetables. The moment you get home, cut up a whole bunch! Almost time to enjoy the rainbow of nutritious deliciousness at your fingertips. Put most of it in a big air-tight container in the fridge. Throw snack sized amounts in little bags or containers for lunch boxes. Crunch and enjoy.

Be prepared, eat nutritiously, act as a role model to others! Ready? Go!

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