Last weekend I took a trip to Hunter Mountain, Ny with my friend to attend Mountain Jam, a camping and music festival. The second day, I decided to ride the ski lift. Actually, I ended up riding it 4 times altogether! The first time I was looking down on the crowd, the gorgeous surroundings, hearing the music, feeling joyful and grateful, new friends by my side, heart pumping, smiles, sun shining. What a moment! Although, the whole trip wasn't so picturesque and perfect. The night before, it had rained buckets and had turned the place to a muddy mess, not to mention a freezing slosh that soaked through all my clothes. I bought a new llama wool sweater and gloves though, and was able to face the elements despite having soaked through my sweatshirts, rain jackets and pants! I noticed that night that my thoughts had gone from ones of positivity and appreciation to complaints very quickly. I even heard myself whine. As soon as I became aware of my negativity, I decided to shift focus and literally I counted my blessing aloud. I said, "I am grateful for the friends all around, the beautiful mountain, the music, the friendly crowd, the gorgeous sites, the yummy foods, the down time, my body and the many ways I can move it..." I just kept on going. Ah, what relief!
While riding the ski lift, I thought about perspective. We are all in the same world. We don't all get dealt the same hand, yet some people seem to be constantly complaining and down, while others have a bright outlook even when, to the onlooker, their life doesn't seem to be so great. I decided in that moment, life is what we decide it is. So I decided life is a perfect gift to experience, appreciate, share and enjoy. That whenever I notice I am whining, I will LITERALLY COUNT MY BLESSINGS ALOUD and reiterate all the reasons why I am blessed. This is a practice I love and would recommend it to anyone, big or small. Do it at least once a day!!!!
When life looks ugly, change your perspective. It's like when we move into inversions in a yoga class. In shoulder stand, we are basically in tadasana mountain pose on our shoulders, yet everything feels and seems different. The shift of focus changes the experience and invites in a new perspective. So, when you are down, turn life on it's head. You need not drop into an inversion to transform your attitude. It starts with noticing. Notice if you start to whine, complain, whimper, throw a pity party, etc. Yoga starts with listening. Listen to it, and then stop for a moment. Shift to appreciation. Everything improves when we are thankful. So state your thanks, write a thank you card, tell someone why you love them, write down three things that make your life better, make a mantra or positive statement you repeat about good things! Then, slow down and breath in and out. It may sound played out or boring, but this is how to get back into your body. What do you wish to embody? That's the next question to ask yourself. If you want to embody love, compassion, positivity, gratitude, then APPRECIATION is the right attitude.
Next, when you feel like you don't have enough, if you feel down and out or poor, share what you've got. It may sound counter-intuitive. But, do it! I remember having anxiety for a moment that I didn't have everything I needed at the festival. I noticed how generous the campers were all around me, offering duct tape to help me create make-shift rain gear, offering iced coffee and bagels in the mornings, to reiki healing and free hugs! I chose to share all that I brought. My friend and I even decided to offer hair washing for our area campers. The more we gave, the more we got. I mean this literally and figuratively. It felt so good to share and the more generous I got, the more I felt people were generous with not only their love but their goodies too.
During a yoga class one morning, the teacher Jamie mentioned the a heart's prayer is more powerful than 108 suns. The sun is 1 million times bigger than our planet just to put that into perspective. My hearts prayer was to feel affluent, expressive and compassionate. The practice was powerful and I kept coming back to the contemplation of generosity and sharing. I have never felt so affluent as the time I have shared all I have with those around me. The more I give to others, the more love that pours in. The more I express myself, the more I feel others understand and connect to me, they learn from me and they come back for more. The more I am compassionate with myself, the more I see the struggle of others in my own strife and the more compassion I can radiate outward. Generosity, compassion, love, affluence, expression. I embody all of these things and I come back to my own truth in these traits. When my focus goes to what I do not have rather than on what I have, I am dedicated to coming back to a space of appreciation. What will you embody? How will you change your perspective in dark moments?
you are a blessing in my life <3