Monday, January 14, 2013

Feeling Congested?

*This is a mature post intended for adult readers

If you are feeling stuffed up and you just can't quite get a breath in by the nose, you aren't alone. The winter months can be miserable for the nasal passages and disrupt a clear flow of breath or prana, the vital life force we all need to live! But fear not, there is a fun solution to your stuffy situation.

As I was doing reading for my most recent teacher training, The Science of Breath by  Rama, Rudoplh Ballentine and Alan Hymes piqued my interest. The nose and its many functions are described and as it turns out the nose has something in common with the nipples and genitals! The tissue in all three areas is the same type of tissue and is indeed connected. When one is stimulated, so are the others. Therefore, if you aren't feeling the flow of air in the nose, try having some adult fun either solo or with your partner. It'll clear up that nagging congestion and bring some joy to your life. 

And hey, it sure beats taking over the counter drugs whose side effects can outweigh the benefits!

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